12.1. General Settings Tab

  1. Under Window Label, type the name to display for the monitor.

  2. If working with a text monitor:

    1. Under Text File Name, click Browse   and select a file containing the definition for the text monitor.

      This can be any CFX-Solver Output file.

    2. Select or clear Disable this Monitor.

      If selected, the monitor is disabled.

  3. If working with a plot monitor or a residual monitor:

    1. Under Background Color, click Color Selector   and set the background color.

    2. Select or clear Display Legend.

      If selected, the legend is displayed in the monitor.

    3. Under Grid Mode select Both, X, Y, or None.

      This determines if grid lines appear along the X or Y axis, on both or not at all.

    4. Under Grid Color, click Color Selector   and set the grid color.

  4. Select or clear Visibility.

    If selected, the monitor is displayed.