14.2.2. Conditional if Statement

CEL supports the conditional if statement using the following syntax:

if( cond_expr, true_expr, false_expr )


  • cond_expr: is the logical expression used as the conditional test

  • true_expr: is the mathematical expression used to determine the result if the conditional test is true.

  • false_expr : is the mathematical expression used to determine the result if the conditional test is false.

Note:  The expressions true_expr and false_expr are always evaluated independent of whether the evaluation of cond_expr is true or false. As a consequence, a conditional statement cannot be used to avoid division by zero as in if( x>0, 1/x, 1.0). In this case, when x=0.0, a division by zero will still occur because the expression 1/x is evaluated independent of whether x>0 is satisfied or not.