2.5.13. CFX-TASCflow

Imports TASCflow Version 2 files. The external import routine is ImportGRD. The import routine will read the mesh information from the GRD file and automatically remove duplicate nodes where interfaces are defined and are 1:1.

Available command line options are:

-v Verbose output. Echo additional data to stdout during the import.

-V More verbose output.

-i Ignore the blockoff file (BCF).

-c Ignore GCI file.

-o Old style 2.4 format.

-b <file> Specifies a bcf file that contains blocked-off regions (boundary condition information is ignored). For details, see CFX-TASCflow Files in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

-g <file> Specifies the gci file to import. For details, see CFX-TASCflow Files in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

-f Formatted (ASCII) GRD file.

-u Fortran unformatted GRD file.

-3 Import labelled 3D regions.