2.3.8. Composite Regions Routines

The following routines enable composite regions to be defined in terms of primitive regions or other composite regions. cfxImportBegCompRegion

char *regionName;

Begin defining a composite region with the name regionName,

Returns -1 if a primitive region regionName is already defined or memory couldn’t be allocated, or 0 if successfully created. cfxImportAddCompRegComponents

int cfxImportAddCompRegComponents(componentCount,components)
int componentCount;
char **components;

Add a set of component region names specified in components to the composite region currently being defined. componentCount specified how many components are specified in the components array,

Returns -1 if a composite region is not being defined or insufficient memory is available to add the components of the composite region, or 0 if the components were successfully added. cfxImportEndCompReg

int cfxImportEndCompReg()

Finish defining the current composite region.

Returns -1 if a composite region is not currently being defined or 0 otherwise. cfxImportCompositeRegion

int cfxImportCompositeRegion(regionName, componentCount, components)
char *regionName, **components;
int componentCount;

Define a composite region named regionName with componentCount components supplied in character array components.

Returns 0 if successful or -1 if an error occurred preventing the composite region being defined.