17.2.1. Power Syntax Subroutine Descriptions

In the next section, each subroutine will appear in the following format:

Each of the subroutines contains an argument list (in brackets, separated by commas). If any argument contains more than one word (for example, Plane 1), it must be within quotes. You should enclose all arguments within quotes to avoid making possible syntax errors.

Each subroutine is preceded by its return value(s). For example:

real, string evaluate("Expression", "Locator") 

will return two values, a real number and a string.

The return values will always be in the solution units of the CFX-Solver results file, even if you have changed the display units in the Edit menu. This means that if you have a plot of temperature in degrees C on Plane 1, the area averaged value of temperature on Plane 1 returned by the areaAve command will still be in degrees K.