Chapter 10: CFX Best Practices Guide for Multiphase

This guide is part of a series that provides advice for using CFX in specific engineering application areas. It is aimed at users with moderate or little experience using CFX for applications involving multiphase flows.

In the context of CFX, a multiphase flow is a flow composed of more than one fluid. Each fluid may possess its own flow field, or all fluids may share a common flow field. Unlike multicomponent flow[4], the fluids are not mixed on a microscopic scale; rather, they are mixed on a macroscopic scale, with a discernible interface between the fluids. CFX includes a variety of multiphase models to allow the simulation of multiple fluid streams, bubbles, droplets, and free surface flows.

This guide describes:

[4] Note that a fluid in a multiphase flow may be a multicomponent mixture.