2.3.10. Fortran Interface

The following routines are callable from Fortran, and interface with the corresponding C routine. There are currently no return values. cfxinit

call cfxinit

Interface to cfxImportInit. Initializes for import. cfxtest

CHARACTER*n filename
call cfxtest(filename)

Interface to cfxImportTest. <filename> is a CHARACTER*n value that gives the name of the file to dump the output to. cfxunit

call cfxunit(units)

Interface to cfxImportUnits. Specify the units the mesh is specified in. cfxwarn

call cfxwarn(mesg)

Interface to cfxImportWarning. Emit a warning message mesg. cfxfatl

call cfxfatl(mesg)

Interface to cfxImportFatal. Emit a warning message mesg and terminate the program cleanly. cfxdone

call cfxdone

Interface to cfxImportDone. Terminates the program and transfers the data to CFX-Pre. cfxnode

INTEGER idnode
call cfxnode(idnode,x,y,z)

Interface to cfxImportNode. Imports a node with the specified coordinates. idnode is an INTEGER value for the node ID, and x, y, and z are the DOUBLE PRECISION coordinates of the node. cfxnodg

INTEGER idnode
call cfxnodg(idnode,x,y,z)

Interface to cfxImportGetNode. Queries the current coordinates or a node referenced by idnode. idnode is an INTEGER value for the node ID, and x, y, and z are the DOUBLE PRECISION coordinates of the node. cfxnods

INTEGER ids(*)
call cfxnods(ids)

Interface to cfxImportNodeList. Retrieves the list of all valid node IDs having been imported into the API. ids is an INTEGER array that must be at least as large as the number of nodes currently imported. cfxelem

INTEGER idelem,itelem,nodes(*)
call cfxelem(idelem,itelem,nodes)

Interface to cfxImportElement. idelem is element ID, and itelem is the element type (number of nodes - 4,5,6, or 8). Both are of type INTEGER. nodes is an array of INTEGER node IDs dimensioned of size at least itelem. cfxeleg

INTEGER idelem,itelem,nodes(*)
call cfxeleg(idelem,itelem,nodes)

Interface to cfxImportGetElement. Queries the current node ids that define the vertices of the element referenced by the id idelem. idelem is element ID, and itelem is the element type (number of nodes - 4, 5, 6, or 8). Both are of type INTEGER. nodes is an array of INTEGER values that will contain the node IDs on successful return. It should be dimensioned of size at least itelem. cfxeles

INTEGER ids(*)
call cfxeles(ids)

Interface to cfxImportElemList. Retrieves the list of all valid element IDs having been imported into the API. ids is an INTEGER array that must be at least as large as the number of elements currently imported. cfxfacd

INTEGER eleid, elefc, id
call cfxfacd(eleid, elefc, id)

Interface to cfxImportFaceID. Defines a face id (id) in terms of an element ID (eleid) and local face (elefc) of that element. cfxface

INTEGER eleid, elefc, vtx(*)
INTEGER cfxface(eleid, elefc, vtx)

Interface to cfxImportGetFace. Returns the node IDs of the vertices defining a face located by the element ID (eleid) and local face (elefc) of that element. cfxffac

INTEGER eleid, nvtx, vtx(*), elefc
call cfxffac(eleid, nvtx, vtx, elefc)

Interface to cfxImportFindFace. Returns the local face (elefc) of an element (eleid) that is defined by the vertices (vtx). cfxregn

CHARACTER*n regname
INTEGER type,nobjs,objs(*)
call cfxregn(regname,type,nobjs,objs)

Interface to cfxImportRegion. Regname is a CHARACTER*n string defining the region name, type is an INTEGER value specifying the type of region, either 1 for nodes, 2 for faces, or 3 for elements. nobjs is an INTEGER value that gives the number of objects in the region, and objs is an INTEGER array of object IDs dimensioned at least size nobjs. cfxregb

CHARACTER*n regname
call cfxregb(regname,type)

Interface to cfxImportBegReg. Start defining a new region or make an existing region of the same name the current one if it already exists and is of the same type. regname is a CHARACTER*n string defining the region name, type is an INTEGER value specifying the type of region, either 1 for nodes, 2 for faces, or 3 for elements. cfxrega

INTEGER nobjs,objs(*)
call cfxrega(nobjs,objs)

Interface to cfxImportAddReg. Add the objects (objs) to the current region. nobjs is an INTEGER value that gives the number of objects to add to the region, and objs is an INTEGER array of object IDs dimensioned at least size nobjs. cfxrege

call cfxrege()

Interface to cfxImportEndReg. Finish defining the current region (after the call there will be no current region). cfxregs

CHARACTER*n regname
INTEGER numobj
call cfxregs(regname,numobj)

Query how many objects (returned in numobj) are referenced by the region regname. regname is a CHARACTER*n string specifying the region name. cfxregg

CHARACTER*n regname
INTEGER type, obj(*)
call cfxregg(regname, type, objs)

Get the type (type) and object IDs (objs) referenced by the region regname. regname is a CHARACTER*n string specifying the region name. type is INTEGER and objs is an INTEGER array at least of the size returned by cfxregs. cfxcmpb

CHARACTER*n regname
call cfxcmpb(regname)

Interface to cfxImportBegCompReg. Start defining a new composite region or make an existing composite region of the same name as the current one if it already exists. regname is a CHARACTER*n string defining the region name. cfxcmpa

CHARACTER*(n) regs
call cfxcmpa(nregs,regs)

Interface to cfxImportAddCompReg. Add the region names (regs) to the current composite region being defined. nregs is an INTEGER value that gives the number of regions to add to the region, and regs is a CHARACTER*(*) array of region names dimensioned at least size nregs. cfxcmpe

call cfxcmpe()

Interface to cfxImportEndCompReg. Finish defining the current composite region (after the call there will be no current composite region).