15.5.18. massFlowAveAbs

This function is similar to the massFlowAve function (see massFlowAve), except that each local mass flow value used in the averaging formula has the absolute function applied. That is:




  • [<Phase>.] is an optional prefix that is not required for single-phase flows. For details, see CEL Functions with Multiphase Flow.

  • <Variable|Expression> is a variable or expression.

  • <Location> is any fluid surface (such as Inlets, Outlets, Openings and fluid-fluid interfaces) or injection region. For an injection region, the mass flow at each affected vertex is used. An error is raised if the location specified is not 2D.

massFlowAve(Density)@Plane1 calculates the average density on Plane1 weighted by the mass flow at each point on the location.

In cases where there is significant flow, but little or no net flow through the 2D locator (as can happen with recirculation), the massFlowAveAbs function is a viable alternative to the massFlowAve function (see massFlowAve).

See Details on Mass Flow Related Functions.