6.2.3. User Errors

User errors result from the inadequate use of the resources available for a CFD simulation. The resources are given by:

  • Problem description

  • Computing power

  • CFD software

  • Physical models in the software

  • Project time frame.

According to the ERCOFTAC Best Practice Guidelines [140], some of the sources for user errors are:

  • Lack of experience

  • Lack of attention to detail or other mistakes.

Often, user errors are related to management errors when insufficient resources are assigned to a project, or inexperienced users are given a too complex application. Typical user errors are:

  • Oversimplification of a given problem; for example, geometry, equation system, and so on

  • Poor geometry and grid generation

  • Use of incorrect boundary conditions

  • Selection of non-optimal physical models

  • Incorrect or inadequate solver parameters; for example, timestep, and so on

  • Acceptance of non-converged solutions

  • Postprocessing errors.