3.4.11. Timestep Routines cfxExportTimestepCount

int cfxExportTimestepCount ()

Query the number of timesteps defined in the CFX results file.

If the case is not transient, the function returns 0. cfxExportTimestepTimeGet

float cfxExportTimestepTimeGet( const int tsIndex )

Queries the time represented by the timestep index tsIndex.

The timestep index tsIndex must be between 1 and the return value of cfxExportTimestepCount().

If tsIndex is invalid, the function returns -1.0. cfxExportTimestepNumGet

int cfxExportTimestepNumGet ( const int tsIndex )

Query the timestep number for the timestep index supplied.

The timestep index tsIndex must be between 1 and the return value of cfxExportTimestepCount().

If tsIndex is invalid, the function returns -1. cfxExportTimestepSet

int cfxExportTimestepSet ( const int tsNumber )

Sets the current timestep being accessed by the Export API.

The value of tsNumber should be obtained via cfxExportTimestepNumGet().

Note:  tsNumber is not necessarily the same as the associated timestep index as is supplied to the other routines in this section.

If tsNumber is invalid, the function returns -1.