17.1.3. Example 3: Creating a Simple Subroutine

The following example defines a simple subroutine to make two planes at specified locations. The subroutine will be used in the next example.

!sub makePlanes {
      Option = Point and Normal
      Point = 0.09,0,-0.03
      Normal = 1,0,0
      Draw Lines = On
      Line Color = 1,0,0
      Color Mode = Variable
      Color Variable = Pressure
      Range = Local
      Option = Point and Normal
      Point = 0.08,-0.038,-0.0474
      Normal = 1,0,0
      Draw Faces = Off
      Draw Lines = On
      Line Color = 0,1,0

Although this subroutine is designed for use with the next example, you can execute it on its own by typing !makePlanes(); in the Command Editor dialog box.