15.5.1. area

The area function is used to calculate the area of a 2D locator.

area[_<Axis>[_<Coord Frame>] ]()@<Location>


  • <Axis> is x, y, or z.

  • <Coord Frame> is the coordinate frame. See the definitions for <Function> and <Coordinate_Direction> in Quantitative CEL Functions in Ansys CFX.

  • <Location> is any 2D region (such as a boundary or interface) or injection region. For an injection region, only the cumulative geometry of the injection positions is considered, not the location of the entire injection region.

An error is raised if the location specified is not a 2D object. If an axis is not specified, the total area of the location is calculated.

area()@Isosurface1 calculates the total area of the location, and Isosurface1.area_y()@Isosurface1 calculates the projected area of Isosurface1 onto a plane normal to the Y axis. Tools > Command Editor Example

>calculate area, <Location>, [<Axis>]

The specification of an axis is optional. If an axis is not specified, the value held in the object will be used. To calculate the total area of the location, the axis specification should be left blank (that is, type a comma after the location specification).

>calculate area, myplane calculates the area of the locator myplane projected onto a plane normal to the axis specification in the CALCULATOR object.

>calculate area, myplane, calculates the area of the locator myplane. Note that adding the comma after myplane removes the axis specification. Tools > Function Calculator Example

The following example will calculate the total area of the locator Plane1:

Function: area, Location: Plane1.