10.4.7. Transformation: Turbo Rotation

Use the Turbo Rotation transformation to rotate an assembly about an axis defined by the rotation axis or a principal axis. Rotation Option: Principal Axis

This Rotation Option uses the X, Y or Z axis as the axis of rotation. Select one of the principal axis, under Axis, to be the axis of rotation. Rotation Option: Rotation Axis

The Rotation Option uses a user-defined axis as the axis of rotation for the transformation. This axis is defined by two Cartesian points, From and To. These points can be entered manually or selected in the viewer by clicking any coordinate box and then clicking in the viewer. Rotation Axis Options

In addition to the From and To points, you can select the following options:

Passages per Mesh

An indication of the number of blade passages that exist in the selected mesh file. The value will normally be 1.

Passages to Model

An optional parameter that is used to specify the number of passages in the section being modeled. This value is used in CFD-Post.

Passages in 360

An optional parameter that is used to specify the number of passages in the machine. This value is used in CFD-Post.

Theta Offset

Rotates the selected mesh, about the rotational axis, through an angle Theta. The offset can be a single value or set to an expression by clicking  .