29.1.8. Material Details View: Hydrocarbon Fuel

The following topics will be discussed:

More information about hydrocarbon fuel models is available in Hydrocarbon Fuel Model Setup in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and in Hydrocarbon Fuel Analysis Model in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide. Basic Settings Tab

This tab is identical to the Basic Settings tab for pure substances. For details, see Basic Settings Tab. Proximate/ Ultimate Analysis Tab

For details, see Hydrocarbon Fuel Analysis Model in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide. Mixture Materials Tab

The material components in the model need to be mapped to solver alias names. For example, carbon dioxide could be represented in the solver by CO2, Carbon Dioxide CO2, CO2 modified, and so on.

Particle Mixture defines the components of the hydrocarbon fuel particles. The names for the ash, char and raw combustible component materials must be given.

Gas Mixture is for identifying the components of the gas-phase reacting mixture. Two options are available:

  • Mixture asks for the name of the associated gas-phase material (reacting mixture) and provides parameters to identify the components of the gas phase, which are relevant for the hydrocarbon fuel model.

  • Mixture with HCN NO additionally enables entering the names for the gas components involved in the fuel-nitrogen model.

Note that here the components of the gas phase are identified only for the hydrocarbon fuel model. The reacting mixture material still must be created with all its components in the same way as for gaseous combustion. It may have additional components in addition to those identified here.

Binary Mixture is for defining the homogeneous binary mixture material, which describes the heat transfer between the particle and the fluid mixture. For the two materials in the binary mixture you should specify the raw combustible material for the particle and the volatiles fuel for the gas phase.