23.1.7. Export Tab

The Export tab for the Output Control object is used to specify export files to be written by the CFX-Solver; for details, see Working with Export Results.

Note:  For cases involving mesh motion, the export of wall boundary data is limited to stationary walls. List Box

This list box is used to select Export Results objects for editing or deletion. Export Results objects can be created or deleted with the icons that appear beside the list box. [Export Name]: Option

This option allows you to export a specified list of Particle Track Data on specified boundary patches or particle injection regions. The particle track data is written to a file and can be imported and manipulated after the run. This option requires you to define a list of particle track variables to be exported, as well as a location where the data is sampled from. [Export Name]: Export Format

The Export Format check box determines whether the export format will be specified or left at its default of CGNS.

The only available export format option for Particle Track Data is CFX CSV. Filename Prefix Check Box

This check box determines whether or not a user-specified prefix is used in the filenames of exported files. By default, CFX-Solver will use the object name as the filename prefix. For details, see File Naming Conventions. Filename Prefix Check Box: Filename Prefix

Specify a prefix to use in the filenames of exported files. Include Topology Check Box

(applies only when the export format option is set to CFX CSV BC Profile)

This check box determines whether or not the CFX-Solver will include the mesh connectivity data in the exported profile file. With the mesh connectivity data included, the exported profile file can be imported into CFD-Post for visual examination. For example, you might want to visualize the pressure harmonics from a blade flutter case or a blade row interaction case before using the profile in Ansys Mechanical. Include File Info Header Check Box

(applies only when the export format option is set to CFX CSV BC Profile)

This check box determines whether or not the CFX-Solver will include the file information header in the exported profile file. The file information header provides the version number of CFX-Solver, the date, the time, and the name of the case. Precision Check Box

(applies only when the export format option is set to CFX CSV BC Profile)

This check box determines whether or not a user-specified precision is used for real data. Precision Check Box: Precision

(applies only when the export format option is set to CFX CSV BC Profile)

Specify the number of significant digits in the fractional part of real number data in the exported CFX CSV BC Profile file. Valid values range from 0 to 20. By default, the CFX-Solver writes 8 significant digits in the fractional part. A value of 0 causes the CFX-Solver to write 8 significant digits. If an insufficient precision is specified for a case involving a very fine mesh, the coordinates of two close mesh nodes can become identical due to truncation of their digits. [Export Name]: Export Frequency Option [Export Name]: Export Surface List Box

This list box is used to select Export Surface objects for editing or deletion. Export Surface objects can be created or deleted with the icons that appear beside the list box. Solution fields are required either on individual 2D boundary regions or on composite boundary regions. [Export Surface Name]: Option
  • Selected Variables

  • Acoustic Dipole/Acoustic Rotating Dipole

  • Harmonic Forced Response

    The Harmonic Forced Response option is only available for Transient Blade Row analysis. [Export Surface Name]: Particle Definition List

Particle Definition allows you to select the particle type for which the Particle Track Data is exported to file. The Output Variables list will only show particle track variables filtered according to the particle type selected in Particle Definition. [Export Surface Name]: Output Boundary List

(applies only when Option is set to Selected Variables or Acoustic Dipole/Acoustic Rotating Dipole)

See Output Boundary List and Output Region Naming.

For the Particle Track Data option, particle track variables can only be sampled from boundary patches and particle injection regions. [Export Surface Name]: Location Type

(applies only when Option is set to Harmonic Forced Response)

For a Harmonic Forced Response analysis, you can use the Location Type setting to choose how location(s) for exported data are selected. The options are:

  • Boundary: Enables you to select a boundary condition patch for data export.

  • Mesh Regions: Enables you to select one or more mesh regions for data export. For example, you can choose to export data from an entire blade surface, or only the pressure side, suction side, or blade tip, in order to help map CFD results to a structural mesh.

Note:  This feature is only supported for:

  • Time Domain Cases: blade flutter, inlet disturbance, Transient Rotor Stator (TRS)

  • Harmonic Analysis Cases: blade flutter [Export Surface Name]: Output Variables List

(applies only when Option is set to Selected Variables). For details, see Output Variables List.

For the Particle Track Data option, only particle track variables can be specified. [Export Surface Name]: Output Nodal Area Vectors Check Box

(Applies only when Option is set to Selected Variables)

To export acoustic data for LMS noise analysis, select this check box, and the Value check box contained within Output Nodal Area Vectors. [Export Surface Name]: Excitation Frequency

(Applies only when Option is set to Harmonic Forced Response)

  • Engine Order: Enables you to specify the engine order excitation for a blade row interaction analysis, in order to export the first harmonics of the surface pressure for the specific engine order excitation. For details, see Case 4: Harmonic Forced Response in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. For the time integration method, you may not be able capture the specific mode if the time integration (number of timesteps per period) detail is not compatible with the engine order selected. Note that specifying an engine order of zero results in the export of time averaged pressure values.

  • Blade Boundary: Enables you to export the first harmonics of pressure fields corresponding to blade vibration frequency from the blade flutter analysis. This output will be used to obtain the aerodynamic damping in the Harmonic Forced Response analysis. [Export Surface Name]: Accumulation Period

(Applies only when Option is set to Harmonic Forced Response)

For a Harmonic Forced Response analysis, you can use the Accumulation Period option to specify the time over which the exported data is gathered to export the most accurate results. You can choose between:

  • Last Period: You should use this option if the signal is fully periodic to the corresponding fundamental frequency.

    For the Engine Order option under Excitation Frequency, the specified engine order must correspond to the fundamental frequency or its harmonics, where the fundamental frequency is the disturbance frequency being modeled.

    For the Blade Boundary option under Excitation Frequency, the fundamental frequency corresponds to the vibration frequency of the specified blade boundary.

  • Full Revolution: You should use this option if the signal is fully periodic over a time period corresponding to the blade passing through a full 360 degrees.

    For the Engine Order option under Excitation Frequency, you can specify any integer engine order that may not correspond to any harmonics of the fundamental disturbance frequency.

    For the Blade Boundary option under Excitation Frequency, the blade vibration frequency must correspond to an integer multiple of the rotor rotation frequency.