Chapter 19: Source Points

Source points are sources that act on a single mesh element. The location of the point is entered in Cartesian coordinates, and the source is created for the element whose center is closest to the specified point. Source points appear as red spheres in the Viewer. For a transient run or run with a moving mesh, the closest element is identified once at the start and is used for the remainder of the run.

Sources are specified in a way similar to subdomain sources with the exceptions that momentum and radiation sources cannot be specified and only "Total Source" values can be entered. For details, see Subdomains.

The visibility of source points can be turned on and off using the check box in the tree view. For details, see Object Visibility and Outline Tree View.

Additional information on sources is available in Sources in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

Note:  You can define injection regions to conveniently create fluid mass sources or sinks at a set of positions on selected surfaces or within the volume of a selected domain. For details, see Injection Regions.