10.7.1. Render Options Dialog Box

When the Render Options dialog box is accessed by right-clicking on regions, the controls apply only to those regions selected. Symbols

Symbols can be displayed at the key points defining an object. You can change the appearance of the symbols by modifying their type and size. Symbol

Enables you to change the appearance of the symbol.

The Symbol setting includes the following options:


Injection Shape

The Injection Shape option applies only for injection regions that appear, in the 3D Viewer, as symbols; such injection regions have Injection Model > Option (as set in the details view, on the Injection Details tab) set to one of the following options: Circular Hole, Cylindrical Hole, Axisymmetric Slot.

The Injection Shape option produces an outline showing the approximate shape of the hole, or axisymmetric slot, at each injection position.

For details on injection regions, see Injection Regions.

For details on the Injection Shape option, see Details of the Symbol Rendering Option: Injection Shape.


A 3D "+" sign.


A 3D diamond that has eight faces.


A box.


A sphere. Symbol Color

Pick a Symbol Color by clicking on the color box to cycle through common colors or click   to select a custom symbol color. Symbol Size

The symbol size can be changed by entering a value for Symbol Size. Draw Points On Lines

Draws a symbol at each defining point. Eligible objects include lines and profile functions that have line connectivity. Settings are available to control the appearance; for details, see Symbols. Draw Faces

Shows the faces of the mesh elements on 2D primitives or the faces of a profile geometry if faces are available. Show Faces should be selected if the effect of changing the face options is to be seen. Face Color

The color used for the faces drawn on the 2D objects. Pick a Face Color by clicking on the color box to cycle through common colors or click   to select a custom face color. Transparency

Select a Transparency level from 0 to 1, where 0 is opaque and 1 is transparent. Draw Mode/Surface Drawing

Controls the shading property applied to faces on 2D objects. Flat Shading

Each element is colored a constant color. Color interpolation is not used across or between elements. Smooth Shading

Color interpolation is applied, which results in color variation across an element based on the color of surrounding elements. Face Culling

This controls the visibility for element faces of objects that either face the viewer or point away from the viewer. Domain boundaries always have a normal vector that points out of the domain. The two sides of a thin surface have normal vectors that point towards each other.

Note:   Face Culling affects printouts performed using the Screen Capture method only. Front Faces

Clears visibility for all outward-facing element faces (the faces on the same side as the normal vector). Back Faces

Clears visibility for inward-facing element faces (the faces on the opposite side to the normal vector). No Culling

Shows element faces when viewed from either side. Lighting

Toggle the lighting source on or off. Specular

When selected, treats the object as a reflector of light. Draw Lines

Shows the lines of the surface mesh elements on 2D primitives, or the face edges of a profile geometry if faces are available. Edge Angle/Render Edge Angle

To change how much of the line or wireframe is drawn, you can change the edge angle. The Edge Angle is the angle between one edge of a face and its neighboring face. Setting an Edge Angle will define a minimum angle for drawing edges of the surface mesh or faces. If you want to see more of the surface mesh, reduce the edge angle. Line Width

The line width can be changed by entering a value in the Line Width field corresponding to the pixel width of the line. When the box is active, the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard can be used to increment the value. Line Color

Pick a Line Color by clicking on the color box to cycle through common colors or click   to select a custom line color. Visibility

Set the visibility for the primitives in the viewer. Clearing the visibility may improve the viewer performance for complex meshes.