2.2.6. Labels and Markers

Click Case Options > Labels and Markers to invoke the Labels and Markers Options details view, used to select/clear the display of named regions and markers in the viewer as well as change the appearance of the markers.

Note:  You can set the defaults for these settings. For details, see Labels and Markers.

Also see Boundary Condition Visualization for more details. Labels

Select options under Show Labels to show various types of labels. To disable all labels, clear the Show Labels option. The first three options refer to primitive and composite regions. For details, see Assemblies, Primitive Regions, and Composite Regions. Boundary Markers

The Show Boundary Markers option turns on boundary condition symbols such as arrows indicating flow direction at an inlet.

The Marker Quantity slider controls the number of markers displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the number.

The Marker Length slider controls the size of the markers displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the size. Boundary Vectors

The Vector Quantity slider controls the number of vectors displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the number.

The Vector Length slider controls the size of the vectors displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the size.

See Boundary Plot Options Tab for a discussion of displaying boundary vectors. Profile Vectors

The Vector Length slider controls the size of the vectors displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the size.

See Visualization Options for Profile Data for a discussion of displaying profile vectors Injection Region Vectors

The Vector Length slider controls the size of the vectors displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the size.

See Injection Region Vector for a discussion of displaying injection region vectors. Particle Injection Regions

The Rendering option controls how many symbols are drawn for each particle injection region.

The options are:

  • Full

    This option causes multiple symbols to be drawn per particle injection region in order to represent the Injection Method settings (see Injection Method).

  • Reduced

    This option causes exactly one symbol to be drawn per particle injection region.

  • None

    This option turns off visual representation of particle injection regions.