10.7.3. Render Options - Profile Geometry

The Render Options dialog box can be used to control the appearance of profile geometries imported from external profile data files. When you enable the Visibility option in the Initialize Profile Data dialog box, or make the corresponding User Function visible, to visualize the geometry of the profile, you have the ability to modify the render options for the profile geometry. The appearance of the profile geometry will differ, depending on the specified face connectivity information in the profile file.

  • If a profile file has face connectivity specified, in addition to nodal values, then the profile geometry will appear as faces.

  • If a profile file has no face connectivity, then the profile geometry will appear as symbols based on the nodes.

Right-click the profile geometry to modify color, wireframe appearance, and transparency options. Color

Use the Color option to pick a color for the profile geometry symbol or faces. Click the color box to cycle through common colors or select a custom color. Lines

Use the Lines option to show or hide the wireframe and/or face edges on profile geometry faces. Transparency

Use the Transparency option to set a transparency level for the profile geometry faces. Properties

Launches Render Options dialog box for additional rendering options. For details, see Render Options Dialog Box.

Note:  Not all rendering options are applicable for profile geometries displayed as symbols.