37.2.1. Overview of Configuration Termination

Many simulations with one or more configurations will terminate naturally without explicitly introducing Termination Control. However, in some cases explicit Termination Control is required. For example, consider a case where a simulation has a sequence of configurations that are set up to run one after the other with the sequence to then return to the first configuration in the sequence (this could occur when modeling an internal combustion engine where there could be a configuration for each of the intake, compression, power and exhaust strokes and the simulation repeatedly cycles through each of the four configurations). There can be one or more conditions for terminating a simulation. Each termination condition can be based on the number of times a configuration has been executed or whenever a CFX-Solver interrupt condition for a configuration has been satisfied.

To define the conditions under which a simulation should be terminated you need to:

  1. If required, create one or more termination Control Conditions.

  2. For each Control Condition, select the appropriate termination control Option.

  3. For each Control Condition set the Configuration Name appropriate for the termination control condition.

  4. For each Control Condition, set the appropriate Number of Steps or Condition Name(s).

When you have finished defining how the simulation will terminate, click OK or Apply to save the settings. Details of the above steps are described in the next section.