25.2. Setting Up Mesh Adaption

To set up mesh adaption:

  1. Select Insert > Solver > Mesh Adaption.

    The Mesh Adaption dialog box appears.

  2. Select or clear Activate Adaption.

    If selected, Mesh Adaption performs when the solver is run.

  3. Under Region List, select the regions to adapt.

    For details, see Region List.

  4. Select or clear Save Intermediate Files.

    For details, see Save Intermediate Files.

  5. Specify the required Adaption Criteria.

    For details, see Adaption Criteria.

  6. Specify the required Adaption Method.

    For details, see Adaption Method.

  7. Specify Adaption Convergence Criteria.

    For details, see Adaption Convergence Criteria.

  8. Select Adaption Variables from the Variables List.

  9. Enter the Maximum Number of Adaption Steps (Max. Num. Steps) allowed.

    The default is 3. For details, see Max. Num. Steps.

  10. Select how many nodes should be present in the adapted mesh. Options are:

    • Multiple of Initial Mesh

    • Final Number of Nodes

      For details, see Option.

  11. Select an option for Adaption Method > Option.

    For details, see Adaption Method.

  12. Specify the Adaption Convergence Criteria to be used for each adaption step.

    For details, see Adaption Convergence Criteria.

    This is different from the Convergence Criteria used to terminate the run, which is set in Solver Controller. For details, see Basic Settings Tab.

  13. Switch to the Advanced Options tab or click OK to accept the mesh adaption settings. For details, see Advanced Options Tab.