32.5.1. Function Name

The function name is assigned when you create a new user CEL function, and is equivalent to the name you would set for an expression. You use this name, together with the input arguments, when setting the expression for the quantity of interest. For details, see Defining Quantities with User CEL Functions. The function name should follow usual naming rules (it may contain spaces but should not include underscores). Defining Quantities with User CEL Functions

After you have created a user CEL function, you can use it to specify any quantity in CFX-Pre for which a standard CEL function (for example, sin, cos, step, and so on) can be used. You can enter an expression using the notation:

<Function Name>(arg1[units], arg2[units], ...)

When using a system variable, an expression, or a value, you do not need to specify units. For example, a pipe inlet velocity profile might be set by entering:

inletvelocity(MaxVel, r, 0.2[m])

where inletvelocity is the function name of the user CEL function, MaxVel is an existing expression or value, r is a system variable, and 0.2[m] corresponds to the pipe diameter.

You would enter the above expression as one of the velocity components at the inlet boundary condition (you may also want to use it as a velocity component of the initial guess).