29.2.5. Multiphase

This option is used to create reactions between more than one phase. For details, see Reaction Models in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. Multiphase: Basic Settings

The setup of multiphase reactions is carried out by selecting the reaction Option to Multiphase. For details, see Multiphase Reactions and Combustion in the CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.

  1. For multiphase reactions the only option available for the Material Amount Option is Mass Coefficient.

  2. Optionally, select Reaction Description to enter a description for the reaction. Multiphase: Reactants

Multiphase reactions are specified in terms of Parent Materials (the phase containing a reacting material), and Child Materials (the reacting materials themselves).

The Parent Materials List contains the phases from which reacting materials are selected.

  1. For the currently selected parent material, (such as Coal), select the reactant materials from that phase from the materials list (for example, Coal > Materials List).

    If a participating phase is a pure substance, it should be selected as both a parent and child material.

  2. For each child material, enter a mass coefficient.

  3. Reaction Order is only required for reactions of type Mass Arrhenius.

    If unset, it defaults to 1. Multiphase: Products

The setup on the Products tab is identical to the Reactants tab. For details, see Multiphase: Reactants.