1.4.10. Electromagnetic Properties

The electromagnetic properties of a material include its electrical conductivity and its magnetic permeability. You can specify values for both of these characteristics in the CFX-Pre Material details tab. Electrical Conductivity

The Electrical Conductivity area has the following settings:


Can be set to Value.

Electrical Conductivity

Can be set to an expression or to a value (default units are [S m^-1]). Magnetic Permeability

Magnetic permeability is the equivalent of the electrical permittivity, but for the magnetic field. For permeable linear materials it can be specified from the relative permeability or from the magnetic susceptibility. The Magnetic Permeability area has the following settings:


Can be set to Value.

Magnetic Permeability

Can be set to an expression or to a value (default units are [H m^-1]).

By default, the Magnetic Permeability value is set to a CEL constant called mupermo, which is defined as 4pi*1E^-7[A^-2 N]. See CEL Constants in the CFX Reference Guide for details on CEL constants.