14.2.2. Units of FMU Output Variables

CFX expressions and the variables they reference have an internal quantity type, but the returned output has whatever units are required. Applications generating FMUs should, but do not necessarily, specify the quantity type and units. If the expected units are not specified, the input and output unit types will be dimensionless. You must ensure that the FMU inputs have the units required by the FMU and that the FMU outputs have units appropriate for CFX. You can do this by dividing by a constant that has the intended units. Here are some examples:

  • To convert a force to Newtons, divide by 1 Newton:

    xForceN = force_x()@wall / 1 [N]

  • To convert a pressure (force per unit area) into head (height of a column of water):

    hydrodynamicHead = areaAve(Pressure)@outlet / (1000 [kg/m^3] * g)


    hydrodynamicHead = areaAve(Pressure)@outlet / 1 [m water]

    In CFX, 1 [water] = 1 [Wg] = 9806.38 [kg/(m^2 s^2)] = 9806.38 [Pa/m].