19.3.2. Default Fortran Compilers and Compiler Options

The cfx5mkext command requires a Fortran compiler to be in your path. The commands given in the following table are the defaults used to execute the compiler on each platform.


If the commands shown do not execute the Fortran compiler on your platform, then you will have to manually edit a copy of the <CFXROOT>/etc/cfx5mkext.ccl file and place it in the working directory. The cfx5mkext command looks for a copy of cfx5mkext.ccl in the current working directory first. Further instructions are provided at the top of the file cfx5mkext.ccl file.

Compiler options (flags) are specified in cfx5mkext.ccl.

For all compilers (ifort, gnufort and pgfort) there is a compiler flag that specifies that no implicit typing is allowed, which is the equivalent of having the FORTRAN statement "IMPLICIT NONE" at the start of every procedure.

If you are using the Intel FORTRAN compiler (ifort), and you do not want to declare all local variables, you can enable implicit typing by editing cfx5mkext.ccl, removing the following compiler options:

  • (winnt-amd64)

    -warn:declarations -Qdiag-error:6717

  • (linux-amd64)

    -warn declaration -diag-error 6717

The required compiler versions are given in Compiler Requirements for All Windows Versions in the Ansys, Inc. Installation Guides and Compiler Requirements for All Linux Versions in the Ansys, Inc. Installation Guides.