16.2. Modeling 2D Problems

The following is advice for modeling 2D problems:

  • Make the mesh only 1 element thick. More elements will slow computational time and require more memory.

  • For planar 2D geometries, apply symmetry conditions to the front and back planes. Free Surface Flow Over a Bump is one example of a case that uses this setup. Do not use free slip walls; doing so will hurt accuracy because control volume gradients will not be computed. The extrusion distance should be on the order of the smallest mesh dimension.

  • For axisymmetric 2D geometries, apply symmetry conditions to the high-theta and low-theta planes unless there is swirl anticipated in the flow, in which case, 1:1 periodic connections should be applied instead. Do not use GGI periodic connections; doing so will hurt accuracy. The extrusion rotation angle for axisymmetric geometries should be small (for example, 1 to 5 degrees).