9.2. Using Combustion Models

To access Combustion Models in CFX, you must first set up a reacting fluid. This step is carried out in the Material details view. For details, see Material Details View: Reacting Mixture in the CFX-Pre User's Guide. There are a number of pre-defined reactions that can be selected, and the Reaction details view enables you to create custom reactions for use in CFX-Pre. For details, see Reactions in the CFX-Pre User's Guide.

If you want to specify any non-reacting components that will also be present in the domain, you can add them when creating the reacting mixture. Note that the thermodynamic properties for materials from the CFX-Pre database may not be appropriate (constant specific heat capacity) and may produce poor results if a passive component has a significant mass fraction.

The name of each material in the tree view indicates the range of validity for thermodynamical data. As an example Carbon Monoxide at STP has constant properties (density, specific heat capacity, and so on) for standard temperature and pressure. For reacting mixtures, materials from the Gas Phase Combustion material group should be used. These materials have variable properties and consistent reference enthalpies for heat release. These materials typically have the chemical formulae as their material name (for example, CO).

All liquids and solids in the MATERIALS library are defined with constant specific heat capacity. The variable Cp is included for all ideal gases except for Air Ideal Gas.

You may want to keep a CCL file containing any customized materials and reaction definitions and then import this file into CFX-Pre when needed.

Thermodynamic data for the material properties used in CFX-Pre was obtained from [26]