7.11. Polydispersed, Multiple Size Group (MUSIG) Model

The MUSIG model tracks a dispersed phase that is represented by a set of size groups. Each size group represents bubbles of a particular diameter. MUSIG models changes in the size of each group due to:

  • Coalescence and breakup

  • Thermal phase change

  • Sources

The Polydispersed (MUSIG) model has two variants:

  • Homogeneous MUSIG

    All size groups for a given polydispersed (MUSIG) fluid move according to the same velocity field.

  • Inhomogeneous MUSIG

    The size groups for a given polydispersed (MUSIG) fluid are arranged into multiple velocity groups, with each velocity group associated with a velocity field.

For details on the Polydispersed (MUSIG) model, see Multiple Size Group (MUSIG) Model in the CFX-Solver Theory Guide.