13.3. Running an Operating Point Case

An operating point case definition can be held by either:

  • An mdef file and its supporting files, such as a table file (defining operating points)

  • An mres file and its supporting files, such as:

    • A table file (defining operating points)

    • Results files for partially/fully completed operating point jobs (each job simulates a single operating point).

Each operating point job in an operating point run is initialized in the same way: according to the initialization settings. For details, see Initialization in the CFX-Pre User's Guide and Files Used by the CFX-Solver in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.

An operating point run that is defined by an mdef file can be continued from the mres file of a previous (completed or interrupted) operating point run, retaining some or all results of previously run operating point jobs.

When continuing an operating point run, the settings of the Operating Points tab (found in CFX-Pre and in CFX-Solver Manager) control the handling of any existing results from previously run operating point jobs. The settings of the Operating Points tab in CFX-Pre are saved with the case and, when the case is used as the Solver Input File, are used to initialize the corresponding settings in CFX-Solver Manager. For details, see Operating Points Tab in the CFX-Pre User's Guide and Operating Points Tab in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.

While an operating point case runs, you can monitor the status of each operating point job in CFX-Solver Manager on the operating point run history page. For details, see Operating Point Run History Page in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.

Note:  Each mres file has a corresponding directory that contains operating point job results. You can move the subdirectory and mres file together, but you must not rename the mres file or change the subdirectory’s name or contents.