19.12.1. USER_PARTICLE_INFO Routine

The USER_PARTICLE_INFO routine enables you to access or update particle data that is not directly accessible in the user interface. For example:

  • particle seed (ISEED) (required for anything that uses random numbers)

  • particle mode (PMODE) (required to distinguish 'regular' particles from 'wall (film)' particles)

  • breakup flag (BREAKUP) (indicates whether particle broke up due to external forces)

The USER_PARTICLE_INFO routine is called with three arguments (where all three arguments are integer values): For example CALL USER_PARTICLE_INFO(IACTION,IWHAT,IVALUE).

IACTION can have two values, 1 or 2.

  • 1 transfers the value stored in IVALUE back to the particle tracker to be used there

  • 2 picks up the requested data from internal tracker data structures and stores it in IVALUE for use in User Fortran code.

IWHAT can have values of 1, 2 or 3, and these refer to the different internal particle properties ISEED, PMODE and BREAKUP respectively.

The proper use of USER_PARTICLE_INFO is as follows (the example is for a particle seed):

C---- Pick up particle seed from tracker
      IACTION = 2
      IWHAT = 1

<User code follows, that needs and updates ISEED>

C---- Store updated particle seed back to tracker
      IACTION = 1
      IWHAT = 1

You can retrieve or write an integer IVALUE to any of these data properties, which in turn will affect the internal particle calculations.