9.11.1. Loading Flamelet Libraries

To use a particular flamelet library in CFX, simply load the corresponding <lib>.ccl file into CFX-Pre. You can do so by selecting:

  1. File > Import > CCL ... from the menu bar

  2. Import Library Data/File to Import   in the Materials workspace, or

  3. Import Library Data/File to Import   in the Reactions workspace.

Each of these methods leads to the same Import CCL dialog box. Loading the <lib>.ccl file defines the material properties for all required species and creates a reaction object for the flamelet library. When importing from the Materials workspace or the Reactions workspace, you should select all materials and reactions in the file for import. Edit the reaction to define the laminar burning velocity (laminar flame speed) and the stoichiometric mixture fraction.

The flamelet library reaction object contains the path name of the flamelet library file (.fll file) in the Library File setting. If the path name is specified by a relative path, it will be interpreted as being relative to the working directory. If the .fll file cannot be found there, the relative path will be interpreted as being relative to <CFXROOT>/etc/reactions-extra. The Reaction details view can be used to change the Library File setting of the flamelet library reaction object as required.