15.3.1. Monopole Sources Monopole Data in the CFX-Solver Manager

Monopole sources are related to the movement of the surface of the sources. Averaged values, as well as minimum and maximum values, of the monopole sources can be monitored in the CFX-Solver Manager using monitor points created in CFX-Pre. The monitor point data will appear in the User Points tab in the CFX-Solver Manager. These data can be exported from within the CFX-Solver Manager, if desired. For details, see Exporting Plot Variables and Coordinates in the CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide. Exporting Surface Monopole Data

For a rotating device, the monopole source strength depends on the component of the rotation velocity normal to the rotating surface.

Monopole source output is a built-in option for the results export. To export the data, you need to create an export results object with an export surface that uses the Acoustic Monopole option. In this case, the CFX-Solver writes out the acoustic monopole data on the selected boundaries to a file in the requested file format.

Acoustic monopole data is available for transient simulations only.