16.5.7. Comparisons to CFX-TASCflow

For users of CFX-TASCflow, the following settings approximate the common advection schemes used in CFX-TASCflow:

  • The Upwind scheme is equivalent to ISKEW=1 with LPAC=F in CFX-TASCflow.

  • A Specified Blend Factor value of 0.75 is approximately equivalent to ISKEW=3 with LPAC=T in CFX-TASCflow.

  • A Specified Blend Factor value of 1.0 is approximately equivalent to ISKEW=4 with LPAC=T in CFX-TASCflow.

  • The High Resolution scheme is usually close to ISKEW=3 with LPAC=T, but may be slightly better in some cases. It is always better for all equations other than the hydrodynamic system of equations. It is always smoother than ISKEW=4 with LPAC=T, but never as accurate.