5.5.9. Running Ansys CFX Tutorials in Ansys Workbench

Tutorials are available that demonstrate the use of Ansys CFX to set up, run, and postprocess CFD simulations.

The Ansys CFX tutorials are generally written for Ansys CFX in stand-alone mode, but some also include information on running the tutorial in Ansys Workbench.

Note:  When compiling a Fortran file with the cfx5mkext command in CFX-Pre in Ansys Workbench, a corresponding subdirectory is created for the output under the directory specified by the Default Folder for Permanent File field (which is defined in the Ansys Workbench > Tools > Options > Project Management pane). When performing this operation in CFX-Pre in stand-alone mode, the subdirectory is created under your working directory.

In CFX-Pre in Ansys Workbench, when creating the user routine that calls the compiled Fortran subroutine, on the CFX-Pre Basic Settings tab set the Library Path to the directory named in the Default Folder for Permanent Files field (not to the working directory, as you would when running CFX-Pre in stand-alone mode).