12.16.4. Example: Comparing Differences Between Two Files

You can use Case Comparison mode with the Chart Viewer to automatically see the differences in values between the two files:

  1. Load the following results files, which are provided with a tutorial: elbow1.cdat and elbow3.cdat. (Press the Ctrl key while selecting the two files, then click Open.)

    Two viewports open, one with elbow1 and the other with elbow2 loaded.

  2. Insert a line (Insert > Location > Line). Accept the default values for Geometry > Method, but set Line Type to Cut. On the Color tab, set Mode to Variable and Variable to Temperature. Set the Range to Local.

    Click Apply when you are done.

  3. In the Outline tree view, double-click Case Comparison. The Case Comparison details view appears. Select Case Comparison Active and click Apply.

    A third viewport opens that displays the temperature difference between the two cases.

  4. Click Create chart  .

  5. In the Insert Chart dialog box, enter a name for the chart, and then click OK.

    The details view for the chart appears.

  6. On the General tab, set Title to Comparison of Temperatures in the Elbow.

  7. Click the Data Series tab.

  8. Set data source Location to the name of the line you just created.

  9. Click the X Axis tab.

  10. Set the x-axis Variable to X.

    The x-coordinate direction is parallel to the polyline in this example so the plot shows a variable profile across the outlet.

  11. Click the Y Axis tab.

  12. Set the y-axis Variable to Temperature.

  13. Click Apply.

    A chart showing Temperature versus X is displayed in the Chart Viewer. Three lines are there: one for each of the sets of temperature values, and a third line that shows the difference between those values.

  • You can change some of the properties of each line individually (including turning them on and off) by using the Line Display tab.

  • The Difference line plots only the variable difference on the y-axis. For example, if you defined a chart of Velocity (y-axis) against Pressure (x-axis), then the difference line will plot Velocity Difference against Pressure, not Velocity Difference against Pressure Difference.