4.5.2. Tips for Results Systems

The following are useful tips for the use of Results systems in Ansys Workbench: Changes in Behavior

The ability to play session files is missing in Ansys Workbench for CFD-Post.

The undo stack is cleared in CFD-Post after the application receives commands from Ansys Workbench.

You cannot launch Ansys CFX products from one another in Ansys Workbench; you must use the system cells.

Ansys Workbench "remembers" previous locations of imported files / projects. CFD-Post, however, displays different behavior for loading or saving any files, always using the directory specified in the Tools > Options > Default Folder for Permanent Files in Ansys Workbench. Duplicating Systems

Duplication normally involves only user files (files for which you have specified settings). For CFD-Post, this would include the .cst file. Other files, which are considered to be "generated" (for instance, the .html files), are not duplicated. Renaming Systems

Rename all your CFX and Fluid Flow (CFX) systems to something unique and meaningful that reflects the contents of the system, especially if there are multiple systems. The names of the files associated with the system cells will incorporate this system name when the files are first created, making it easier for you to identify the files in the Files pane. In particular, CFD-Post will take the system name (by default "Fluid Flow" for a Fluid Flow system) as the case name of the results in CFD-Post. Note that it is best to rename the systems as soon as they are placed on the Project Schematic, as the generated file names and/or the CFD-Post case names will not necessarily be updated if a system is renamed after the appropriate cells already have associated data (for example, a .cfx file with the Setup cell). It may be useful to reset the Results cell to update the CFD-Post case name if the system is renamed, but you will lose any existing CFD-Post settings and objects by doing this. Results Cell

CFX-Solver Results files (in particular the .res files) are associated with the Solution cell, not the Results cell. This means that a CFX-Solver Results file cannot be imported onto a Results cell; it can be imported onto a Solution cell of a Fluid Flow or CFX system. Similarly, resetting the Results cell will not remove the CFX-Solver Results file.

In Ansys Workbench, the state of CFD-Post is associated with the Results cell. To maintain multiple states, you must generate multiple Results systems. For your convenience, you can provide a unique name for each system.

To perform a file comparison in CFD-Post, drag a Solution cell from another system to the Results cell.

You can have CFD-Post generate report output at every update (by setting Generate Reports in Results cell Properties pane). The .html file is visible in the Files pane: right-click it, select Open containing folder, and double-click the file in the explorer to see the report in a browser.

When updating existing Results cell data (with CFD-Post open) where a turbo chart with an averaged variable was used (for example, turbo reports), a warning dialog box may appear reporting that "No data exists for variable …" This warning can be ignored.

You can change the CFD-Post multi-configuration load options (available on the Load Results File dialog box of CFD-Post when in stand-alone mode) by editing the properties of the Solution cell. This is a property of the Solution cell, rather than the Results cell. Recovering After Deleting Files

If you accidentally delete the current .def, .res or .out files for a CFX system and the Solution cell status is up-to-date, you may get errors when trying to display the solution monitor or edit the Results cell. In this case you will need to replace the files in the File Manager, or Reset the Solution cell, and update the system. If the .def file is missing, you may also need to Clear Generated Data for the Setup cell before updating the system. License Sharing

If you are using license sharing in Ansys Workbench, you can use only one license for CFX-Pre/CFD-Post even if you have more available. This has implications if, for example, you want to run a long animation in CFD-Post and use CFX-Pre at the same time. If you know you are going to be working with CFX-Pre and CFD-Post at the same time, you need to change the license-sharing setting before starting your project.