4.6. Limitations When Using Ansys CFD-Post in Ansys Workbench

  • In a design points study, when you have some up-to-date design points, it is recommended that you avoid editing the Results cell and running CFD-Post interactively. Most editing and viewing actions result in an underlying state change and therefore make the design points appear out-of-date, requiring another update.

  • When using Remote Solve Manager:

    If you are using custom report templates in CFD-Post, you should avoid using UNC paths (paths that begin with two backslashes rather than a drive letter) when using Remote Solve Manager. You can use one of the following methods to avoid using UNC paths:

    • Instead of using a shared cluster directory on the machine that has the head node of the compute cluster, set up a scratch directory on each machine that has an execution node. Each machine will then refer to its own local directory, which does not require access via a network path.

    • Use a shared directory on the machine that has the head node of the compute cluster. On each machine that has an execution node, map the network path to that shared directory (or any parent directory of it) as a drive letter. Use that drive letter when specifying the path to the shared directory.