3.3. Details Views

Details view is a generic term used to describe an editor for the settings of a CCL object. A details view for a particular kind of object (such as a plane object) may be referenced by the name of the type of object being edited, followed by the word "details view" (for example, for the Wireframe object, the Wireframe details view).

A details view appears after any of the following actions:

  • Double-clicking an object in the tree view

  • Right-clicking an object in the tree view and selecting Edit from the shortcut menu

  • Highlighting an object in the tree view and clicking Edit   from the shortcut menu

  • Clicking OK on a dialog box used to begin the creation of a new object

  • Clicking an object in the Viewer when in pick mode

  • Right-clicking on an object in the Viewer and selecting Edit from the shortcut menu

You use the details view to define the properties of an object. The details view contains one or more tabs, depending on the type of object being defined.

Many properties can be set via a CEL expression. To enter an expression:

  1. Click in the field for a property.

  2. Click the Enter Expression icon that appears beside the field. This enables the field to accept an expression name.

  3. Either enter an expression definition directly, or type the name of an existing expression. You must ensure that the expression evaluates to a value having appropriate units for the property that uses the expression.

For details on CEL expressions, see Expressions Workspace.

For CFX components in Ansys Workbench, any CEL expression can be made into a parameterized CEL expression by defining it as a Workbench input parameter. You can do this by creating an expression and parameterizing it by right-clicking it in the Expression editor. You can then use that expression as the value of a property.

You can change a property from being specified by a Workbench input parameter. However, the corresponding CEL expression persists and can be managed by the Expression editor.

Details View Controls

Details views contain the following buttons:

  • Apply applies the information contained within all the tabs of an editor.

  • OK is the same as Apply, except that the editor automatically closes.

  • Cancel and Close both close the editor without applying or saving any changes.

  • Reset returns the settings for the object to those stored in the database for all the tabs. The settings are stored in the database each time the Apply button is clicked.

  • Defaults restores the system default settings for all the tabs of the edited object.