There are a number of environment variables that can be used to change how CFD-Post behaves:
Environment Variable | Description/Usage |
| Allows user-defined macros to load at start-up.
If the macros contain user interface commands, the appropriate panels will be added to the Macro Evaluator user interface. Example:
| Enables adjusting the zero-theta location in single-domain cases. Linux: Windows: (where x,y,z is a point not on the rotation axis) This will be used in turbo cases to determine at which position the Theta variable will be equal to zero. By default, CFD-Post will set Theta such that the Theta values in the first encountered domain range from zero to some positive value. Example for Linux:
Example for Windows (no quotes):
| Enables you to display a custom logo image in the viewer. CFX_USER_IMAGE_DATA='filepath xLoc yLoc xAttach yAttach scale alphaR alphaG alphaB transparency'
Only ppm, png, and jpeg files are currently supported.
If set to none,
If set to none,
If set to 0, original pixels are shown regardless of the viewer size.
Example: To display image myImage.ppm in the right-bottom corner, occupying 12% of the viewer size, making the pure green color represent 100% transparent, and setting the overall transparency to 60%, use: CFX_USER_IMAGE_DATA= '/logos/myImage.ppm 0 0 right bottom 0.12 0 255 0 0.6' |
| Allows placing the viewer camera to left/right eye position. It can be used for composing stereo images and movies
Smaller numbers bring the camera closer to the scene (and also widen the camera angle), larger numbers move it further.
| Applicable to spherical backgrounds only.
The rotation angle is clockwise looking in the direction of the specified direction vector. Example: If you start CFD-Post with the mountain scenery background, the background will appear upright when the Y axis is "up". You may find that the geometry of your CFD mesh has its "top" side pointing in the X axis direction. You can rotate the background image so that it appears upright when the X axis is "up" by rotating the image about the Z axis by -90 degrees, as follows: