12.9.3. Legend: Definition Tab Plot

The Plot setting is available only when creating or modifying a user-defined legend (not the default legends). Select from a list of objects for the legend to act on. Title Mode

The Title Mode setting has the following options:


No Title

Omits the title.


Sets the title to the name of the variable mapped by the legend.

Variable and Location

Variable and Location is the same as Variable except that the name of the locator is appended to the title.

User Specified

Enables you to specify a custom title. Title

The Title field is available only after the User Specified option has been selected. This setting enters a custom title. Show Legend Units Check Box

Clearing the Show Legend Units check box will hide the legend units. By default, the check box is selected, and so units are displayed.

Note:  The legend will always display Temperature in absolute units: if C or K are selected as temperature units, the legend's data will be displayed in K; if F or R are selected, the legend's data will be displayed in R. For details, see Function Calculator. Vertical / Horizontal Options

Selecting Vertical or Horizontal will display the legend vertically or horizontally in the viewer. Location X Justification

The X Justification setting has the following options:



Enables you to specify a custom X location using the Position fields.


Places the legend on the left side of the viewer.


Places the legend in the center of the viewer.


Places the legend on the right side of the viewer. Y Justification

The Y Justification setting has the following options:



Enables you to specify a custom Y location using the Position fields.


Places the legend at the top of the viewer.


Places the legend in the center of the viewer.


Places the legend at the bottom of the viewer. Position

The Position fields specify a custom point at which to position the legend. This setting is available after the None option is selected for the X and/or Y Justification settings. The values entered are fractions of the screen width/height for x and y respectively. For example, 0.2 for the X value would place the legend 1/5 across the screen from the left. A value of 0.2 for the Y direction would place the legend 1/5 up from the bottom of the viewer. The placement uses the bottom left corner of the legend as a reference.