17.1. Variables Created by CFD-Post

CFD-Post derives the following variables from the results file; you can use them in expressions or as plot variables:

Table 17.1: Variables Created by CFD-Post




This is meaningful only for surface locators (user surface, plane, isosurface, boundary). The value at each node is equal to the sum of sector areas associated with the node (a sector area is the portion of area of a face touching a node that can be associated with that node). There is a function to sum this variable over a 2D locator to obtain the area of the locator; for details, see area in the CFX Reference Guide.


There is a function for calculating force; for details, see force in the CFX Reference Guide.


This is meaningful only for polyline and line objects. The value on each line node is equal to the sum of halfs of the two line segments joined at the node. There is a function to sum this variable over a line locator to obtain the length of the locator; for details, see length in the CFX Reference Guide.

Mass Flow

There is a function for calculating mass flow; for details, see massFlow in the CFX Reference Guide.


This is meaningful only for surface locators (user surface, plane, isosurface, boundary). It is a vector variable defining the surface unit normal at each node in the locator.


This is defined only on volume locators (volume, domain, subdomain). The value at each node is equal to the sum of the sector volumes associated with the node (a sector volume is the portion of volume of an element touching a node that can be associated with that node). There is a function to sum this variable over a 3D locator to obtain the volume of the locator; for details, see volume in the CFX Reference Guide.