2.5. Inertial Loads

For floating structures, AqwaWave writes body force and acceleration commands into the resulting load files. When Mechanical APDL is run, these will generate inertial loads to balance the pressure loads transferred from Aqwa-Line. If the ‘STAT’ option is selected, then static accelerations will be added, to balance the hydrostatic pressures which are included when this option is invoked. If the floating structure is in equilibrium in Aqwa-Line (as it should be) then the static acceleration will simply be the acceleration due to gravity.

For fixed structures, there is no dynamic acceleration and acceleration data will only be output if the ‘STAT’ option is selected. In this case, the acceleration output is always the acceleration due to gravity. When Mechanical APDL is run, this will create inertial loads equal (in total) to the weight of the structure.

You should note that there is no force balance in the case of fixed structures, since the reaction at the seabed is not modelled in AqwaWave.