3.2. Generating Structural FEM Data for Mechanical APDL

AqwaWave cannot read Mechanical APDL data directly to define the structural finite element model. Instead, an intermediate definition file is used that is based on an old structural code called Asas. To automate the generation of the data in the required format, use the Mechanical APDL command ANSTOASAS to create the required structural input file for AqwaWave from the current structural model. For more information, see the ANSTOASAS command description in the Mechanical APDL Command Reference.

You can typically use the ANSTOASAS command without any other parameters, unless you need to change the generated file name to something other than the default name.

Note that while the ANSTOASAS command states that no loads are written when Ansys Aqwa is chosen for the key (KEY = 0), load case 1000 will automatically be generated based on surface loads that define the wetted surface.