5.4. Mean Wave Drift Forces (Near Field Solution)

As discussed in Unidirectional Mean Wave Drift Forces (Far Field Solution), the far field solution approach has several limitations. However based on the mean wetted body surface integration approach, more general forms of the mean wave drift force and moment on a floating body in all motion directions can be given as a special case in Equation 5–15 through Equation 5–20 of which and the sum frequency force components are excluded.

In this case, the composite directional coupling mean drift force coefficient QTF matrices can be presented as


of which are symmetric matrices, while is a skew-symmetric matrix.

From Equation 5–20, the mean drift force and moment are expressed as the triple summation:


where the numbers of wave components of every individual wave directions are the same ().

For a long crested wave case (), the mean drift force can be further simplified as


in which the out of phase item in Equation 5–22 is no longer included.

The above expressions are known as the near field solution, and valid for both a single and multiple floating structure system with or without hydrodynamic interaction effects.