
2D Plane Stress Plasticity Benchmark

Test Description

A square of length L and height L is constrained in the Y-direction along the bottom edge and in the X-direction along the left edge. The model is displaced in the X and Y directions.

L = 1.0 mm
Material Properties
E = 250.0 x 103 N/mm2
ν = 0.25
Plasticity Model
Perfect Plasticity: σys = 5.0 N/mm2
Isotropic Hardening: ET = 50.0 x 103 N/mm2
Boundary Conditions
Left Edge: ux = 0
Bottom Edge: uy = 0
Right Edge: ux = δx
Top Edge: uy = δy
No applied forces
Displacements prescribed in 8 increments (R = 2.5 x 10-5), as follows:
Step: Disp. changeStep: Stress state
Step 1: Δux = +RStep 1: First Yield
Step 2: Δux = +RStep 2: Plastic Flow
Step 3: Δuy = +RStep 3: Elastic Unloading
Step 4: Δuy = +RStep 4: Plastic Reloading
Step 5: Δux = -RStep 5: Plastic Flow
Step 6: Δux = -RStep 6: Plastic Flow
Step 7: Δuy = -RStep 7: Elastic Unloading
Step 8: Δuy = -RStep 8: Plastic Flow


Reference: Stress results are displayed as the step is incremented by 1 starting with 0 and ending at 8.

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  SX                -3.3494            1.0001     vmr049-pl2a-181
  SY                -5.7473            1.0001     vmr049-pl2a-181
  SEFF               5.0000            1.0000     vmr049-pl2a-181
  SX                -3.3494            1.0001     vmr049-pl2a-182
  SY                -5.7473            1.0001     vmr049-pl2a-182
  SEFF               5.0000            1.0000     vmr049-pl2a-182
  SX                -3.3494            1.0001     vmr049-pl2a-183
  SY                -5.7473            1.0001     vmr049-pl2a-183
  SEFF               5.0000            1.0000     vmr049-pl2a-183
  SX                -3.3494            1.0001     vmr049-pl2a-281
  SY                -5.7473            1.0001     vmr049-pl2a-281
  SEFF               5.0000            1.0000     vmr049-pl2a-281

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  SX                -9.1555            1.0001     vmr049-pl2b-181
  SY                -8.4910            1.0000     vmr049-pl2b-181
  SEFF               8.8420            1.0000     vmr049-pl2b-181
  SX                -9.1555            1.0001     vmr049-pl2b-182
  SY                -8.4910            1.0000     vmr049-pl2b-182
  SEFF               8.8420            1.0000     vmr049-pl2b-182
  SX                -9.1555            1.0001     vmr049-pl2b-281
  SY                -8.4910            1.0000     vmr049-pl2b-281
  SEFF               8.8420            1.0000     vmr049-pl2b-281