
Wrapped Thick Cylinder under Pressure and Thermal Loading

Test Description

A long thick cylinder made from isotropic material onto which external hoop windings of orthotropic material have been added is subjected to two cases:

Case 1: Internal pressure of 200MPa
Case 2: Internal pressure of 200MPa and a uniform increase in temperature of 130ºC

A quarter model is considered.

Material PropertiesGeometric PropertiesBoundary conditionsLoaading

Inner Cylinder (isotropic):

E= 2.1E5MPa
ʋ= 0.3

Outer Cylinder (orthotropic):


Inner Cylinder:

Inner radius=23mm
Outer radius=25mm

Outer Cylinder:

Inner radius=25mm
Outer radius=27mm

uz=0 at z=0

Symmetric constraints are specified at lines 3 and 1 because a quarter symmetry model is considered.

Case 1: internal pressure of 200MPa

Case 2: Internal pressure of 200MPa and a uniform in crease in temperature of 130ºC

Results Comparison

Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

 Hoop stressMechanical APDLRatioTest
Case 1Inner cylinder at r = 23 mm1531.2270.978vmr031-t2-281
Inner cylinder at r = 25 mm1437.4341.005vmr031-t2-281
Outer cylinder at r = 25 mm861.2260.985vmr031-t2-281
Outer cylinder at r = 27 mm781.1211.029vmr031-t2-281
Case 2Inner cylinder at r = 23 mm1372.6960.994vmr031-t2-281
Inner cylinder at r = 25 mm1258.6680.999vmr031-t2-281
Outer cylinder at r = 23 mm1045.6950.990vmr031-t2-281
Outer cylinder at r = 23 mm969.4661.036vmr031-t2-281

Element Mechanical APDL Ratio Test Input