
Large Displacement of a Hinged Spherical Shell under Uniform Pressure Loading

Test Description

A spherical shell plate of length L = 1570 is simply supported along all 4 edges and a uniform distributed pressure load is applied on the shell surface. Elastic large deflection analysis is performed.

Geometic PropertiesMaterial PropertiesLoading
L = 1570
Shell mid-surface equation:
Z = 2.0285 x 10-4[X x (1570 - X) + Y x (1570 - Y)]
Boundary Conditions
Applied along edges:
Uy = 0
Ux = 0
Uz = 0
E = 69
ν = 0.3
Evenly distributed pressure load normal to shell surface with Pmax = 0.1


Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

           |    Mechanical APDL    |   RATIO   |      INPUT      |
 LIMIT1             0.05985           0.92147      vmr029-t7-181  
 LIMIT2             0.03423           1.11003      vmr029-t7-181  
 LIMIT1             0.05405           0.83224      vmr029-t7-185  
 LIMIT2             0.03330           1.07979      vmr029-t7-185  
 LIMIT1             0.05277           0.81244      vmr029-t7-190  
 LIMIT2             0.02868           0.92986      vmr029-t7-190  
 LIMIT1             0.05826           0.89702      vmr029-t7-281  
 LIMIT2             0.03320           1.07642      vmr029-t7-281  

Element Mechanical APDL Ratio Test Input