
2D Plane Stress - Biaxial (negative) Stepped Load - Primary Creep

Test Description

A square of length L and height L is constrained in the Y-direction on the bottom edge and constrained in the X-direction on the left edge. A tensile distributed load, σ1, is applied on the right edge and a compressive distributed load, σ2, is applied to the top edge.

Geometic PropertiesMaterial PropertiesLoading
Plane Stress

L = 100 mm

Boundary Conditions

Bottom Edge: uy = 0
Left Edge: ux = 0

E = 200 x 103 N/mm2

ν = 0.3

Creep Law:

ε = Aσntm
n = 5
m = 0.5

Right Edge:

σ = 200 N/mm2 (t = 100 hrs)
σ = 250N/mm2 (t > 100 hrs)

Top Edge:

σ = -200 N/mm2 (t = 100 hrs)
σ = -250N/mm2 (t > 100 hrs)


Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  S2                   2.934           0.9600     vmr027-cr10c-181       
  S7                   4.212           0.9715     vmr027-cr10c-181       
  S2                   2.934           0.9600     vmr027-cr10c-182       
  S7                   4.212           0.9715     vmr027-cr10c-182       
  S2                   2.934           0.9600     vmr027-cr10c-183       
  S7                   4.212           0.9715     vmr027-cr10c-183       
  S2                   2.934           0.9600     vmr027-cr10c-281       
  S7                   4.212           0.9715     vmr027-cr10c-281       