
Deep Simply-Supported Beam

Test Description

A simply-supported beam of length L = 10 is situated along the x-axis. The beam is constrained in the x, y, z and Rx direction on the left endpoint and in the y and z direction on the right endpoint. Frequency vibration analysis is performed on the model.

Geometic PropertiesMaterial PropertiesBoundary Conditions
L = 10m

E = 200 x 109 N/m2

ρ = 8000.0 kg/m3

ν = 0.3

Applied at left beam endpoint:

Uy = 0
Ux = 0
Uz = 0
Rx = 0

Applied at right beam endpoint:

Uy = 0
Uz = 0


Results are tabulated and displayed as in the NAFEMS manual.

             |   Mechanical APDL   |   RATIO  |         INPUT         |
  MODE1,2             42.730           1.0019        vmp09-t5-188
  MODE3               71.453           1.0035        vmp09-t5-188
  MODE4              124.872           0.9990        vmp09-t5-188
  MODE5,6            148.544           1.0027        vmp09-t5-188
  MODE7              212.598           0.9953        vmp09-t5-188
  MODE8,9            282.239           0.9957        vmp09-t5-188
  MODE1,2             42.634           0.9996        vmp09-t5-189
  MODE3               71.713           1.0072        vmp09-t5-189
  MODE4              125.000           1.0000        vmp09-t5-189
  MODE5,6            148.195           1.0003        vmp09-t5-189
  MODE7              215.080           1.0069        vmp09-t5-189
  MODE8,9            284.095           1.0022        vmp09-t5-189

Element Mechanical APDL Ratio Test Input